Jeff & Kathy are the fifth generation to run this farm. His great-great grandfather, John Pannier, arrived in America from Saxony, Germany in 1847 and settled in Cedarburg. In 1868 he purchased this farm in Sherman Township near Random Lake. The farm then went to Henry Pannier, Otto Pannier, Harold Pannier (Jeff's Uncle), who later sold it to Harold & Verna Preder (Jeff's Mother). It was then purchased by us in January of 1977. We milked cows until September of 1997, when we sold the dairy cows and decided to raise traditional Holstein beef cattle. Without the use of growth hormones, raising Holsteins was not feasible. It was then that we heard about the Piedmontese cattle from a friend in Missouri. Starting with seven purchased animals, we purchased feeders to cross with them, and now have approximately 100 animals. Our cattle are raised under strictly controlled growing conditions, with a heavy emphasis on a healthy environment. We make sure that they get a healthy diet full of quality forages. They are kept on pasture year round and moved to a new pasture every two to three days to ensure that they have fresh grass and alfalfa. The calves are kept at their mother's side to see that they get a healthy start and the nutrition that they need. The animals are positively free of added growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and animal by products. In the spring of 2002, we decided to raised pastured chickens, which are purchased as day old chicks. They are fed a natural diet, free of hormones and antibiotics. During the summer they are kept in large pens and moved daily. This way they can forage for bugs and worms, and eat fresh vegetation. In the winter they are kept in the barn with access to the outdoors. We have Cornish Rock hens for meat. (which are available in the summer and fall), while supplies last. Browns produce our eggs. We have raised four children, Nicole, Carrie, Mandy and Mike. They are raising five grandchildren, Valerie, Gabrielle, Cora, Erik and Tyler. The grandchildren love to come to the farm and help with chores. They especially like helping with the baby chicks and gathering the eggs. Jeff and Mike do the farm work, with help from Kathy when needed. Kathy gathers and processes the eggs. Along with the farm work, Jeff also has a full time job at a steel mill. Mike has his own custom combining and planting business and does machinery repair. Someday, he plans to take over the farm. Want to know more? Check out our youtube video: "On the Farm with Jeff Preder, Jeff-Leen Farm" |
www.jeffleenfarm.com Copyright © 2009-2018 Jeff-Leen Farm. Last modified: 05/28/18 Send mail to webmaster (at) jeffleenfarm.com with questions or comments about this web site. |